This is such a fun age. You are really starting to develop your own personality and we love it! You bring so much joy to our lives and I am so thankful God let us be your parents.You have not cut any more teeth, but you chew on everything, so I expect that some more are coming very soon. You are in 9 and 12 month clothes! We bought you your first pair of big boy pajamas (spider man and ninja turtles). I think mama and daddy like them more that you do right now : ). You are in
size 3 diapers. You are still eating
half of a container of baby food night and we have added some oatmeal with a fruit mixed in for brunch.You have tried squash, green
beans, peas, sweet potatoes, carrots, apples, bananas, peaches for stage 1 foods. We started stage 2 baby foods including mac and cheese with vegetables and chicken noodle soup. You also have a sippy cup with your meals with water but you are not a big fan of it yet. You love to drink water from mama's cup, just not the sippy cup. You eat mainly in your hair chair. You are sitting up on your own now and we give you a bath in the regular bath tub (sitting in your tub). You love to scream and make different vowel sounds at mama and daddy. It is so funny to watch you on your belly now. You look like you are trying to swim. You are not crawling yet, but it will not be too much longer. You also love books and love to hear daddy read to you. You also love Itsy Bitsy Spider and This Little Piggy, especially when Aunt Ashley does it with you. You have had a couple of other baby sitters recently; Aunt Kacie, Mrs. Kelly, Grandpa, and Ma and Pa. You are very friendly and do really good with people you do not see a lot so you were very good for them. It is beginning to get warm outside, so grandma and nana have been meeting me at work and you have been going to their houses. I really like that because I get to go see you at lunch. Both grandma and nana also recently got an IPhone and I get to facetime with you at 9:30 and 1:30 when I pump. I love to see you smile every time we facetime.We went to the doctor this month and your statistics were:
Weight: 17.16 lbs (40.18 percentile)
Length: 27.25 inches (72.83 percentile)
Head Circumference: 16.93 inches (36.11 percentile)
You also had to get shots again and this was probably the worse time that you had with them. Your cried SO hard and I always want to cry with you. I gave you tylenol when we got home and you slept a lot the next couple of days.
You have started making this hilarious face when you get mad.
Your six month photo shoot. Such a happy baby!
Sitting in the bathtub like a big boy!
Your first spider man pajamas. They are size 12 months!
Drinking with your sippy cup for the first time.
Playing in the kitchen while mama cooks.
Lucas, you are so special and we cannot wait to see what God has planned for you. You are so sweet and have made being a parent really easy. We love you!!!