Wednesday, September 17, 2014

1 Year Old....Almost

Even though you do not turn one until next week, I have really been thinking and praying for you a lot these past couple of days. I cannot believe you are turning one! You are becoming more like a little boy and less of a baby by the day. Everyday, I pray the God gives your Daddy and I wisdom regarding how to raise you and help to lead you in God's will. My prayer is that you get saved and love the Lord with all of your heart. You have an amazing Daddy and I pray that you follow in his footsteps in his desire to serve the Lord. Not many people can say that. He loves you so much and is a wonderful Daddy and is a great example of a husband for you to look up to. I pray God is preparing a wonderful wife for you to marry one day that you can serve God with. I pray God gives you talents to use for His glory whatever they may be. I am so thankful that God gave us you. Lucas, you are such a precious gift and until you have a child of your own, you will not understand how precious this love is. I never knew how much I would love until you came.
This year has been one of learning for all 3 of us and I know we have a lot more to learn about being parents but you have made it so easy. You make transitions so easy. I was so nervous about going from a bottle to a sippy cup but you did amazing and love your sippy cup now. You LOVE to read. I love when you say "uh oh" and that you laugh whenever anyone else laughs even though you have no clue what they are laughing at. I know I have mentioned the meaning of your name in the previous posts but how true your name is. Mama and Daddy had a different name picked out for you that we really liked. However, God put Samuel on my heart and we felt like we needed to change it. As I have said before, it means "a gift from God" and you are the biggest blessing that we have ever experienced. The next post I will write everything you have accomplished this month and your stats after your doctor visit. We had your first birthday pictures taken and you did so well!! I was so excited, but not surprised.

One of my absolute favorites!

Happy Birthday Lucas! We love you so much!