At 16 months, you are counting to 10 and able to sing Happy and You Know It Say Amen appropriately! You are so smart!! You are also able to spell LUCA of your name. We are still working on the S. You are still continuing to say a new word everyday it seems and have lots of 2 word combinations! You are also able to point out the shapes heart and star. You can easily tell the difference between hot and cold and are able to say both words. You help to undress yourself and brush your teeth. You are able to point to all facial features (eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, head, hair). My favorite thing for you to say is mama of course : ). You hold up the phone and say "Hey!" You amaze me how smart you are! I know you are mine, but you are so sweet! You are starting to feed yourself better with a fork and spoon. You still are drinking about 24 oz a day of milk and the pediatrician said that that was perfect and you will continue to do that until you are 2. You love spaghetti and love to play outside. You also love to lick anything and everything...but the doctor says that you are exploring textures and that is a good thing. You are a very good helper and love to help me vacuum and do clothes. You are able to follow many commands. You are ticklish and love belly kisses. Every time I change your diaper, you hold up your feet to my face and say "shew." You have the cutest laugh. You love to point at things and laugh with a high pitch and say "hehehehe." You are obsessed with Gold fish and run to the cabinet and say "fish" or "snacks." We are anxiously awaiting for baby Levi and you will be a cousin soon! You are wearing size 18-24 month clothes, size 4 diapers. You eat everything that we eat now. You only drink milk and water and you love both! Your skin is super sensitive and I have been having to use healing ointment and triple paste mostly instead of destin ointment. You have the biggest, sweetest heart and play well with others and try to obey mama and daddy.
You have taken over the remote. You are now able to climb on the couch by yourself.
I do not think I can stress enough how much you love to go outside! It is something we try to do for an hour everyday unless it is too cold or raining. You run straight for the woods behind our house. I'm not sure what we are going to do when it gets warm and we have to worry about snakes!
You love to come into the bathroom when mama is taking a bath. I did not have anything in the tub before I started. This is a picture after I got out. You like to throw all of your toys in the tub with me. You also throw towels and the bath rug in too if I am not looking.
Uncle Colby's store finally opened and we went for family night. Daddy prayed and then Uncle Colby showed us around. We are so happy for him!!
Checking the store out on Daddy's shoulders.
This is absolutely my favorite picture! Uncle Colby was practicing waving and you helped him out and practiced too! It was soo cute! Uncle Colby baby sat you for the first time because we thought cousin Levi was coming, but Aunt Kacie's induction was postponed. You loved spending the day with Uncle Colby though. You left him 2 dirty diapers and did not take a nap : ).
We love you so much! Happy 16 month birthday sweet boy!