20 months! Really?! I know I say this a lot, but you are truly amazing. You can count to 20, you know the alphabet and recognize all of the letters, you recognize numbers 0-10, you know all colors, shapes. You can also spell your whole first name now. Your vocabulary is endless and you are definitely a little parrot. You are saying 3-4 word phrases now! Wow! You can work an IPhone better than most adults. Your favorite show is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. You feed yourself most of the time. Your favorite foods are pizza, spaghetti, green beans, and french fries. You are not a big fan of sweet foods. The only thing that I have got you to eat that was sweet was a sucker. You are still taking a nap from about 1-3 everyday and go to bed around 9:30. You are wearing size 4 diapers still and 2T clothes. You definitely still LOVE your milk and you are still a mama's boy : ). We bought a new car so that we would have more room with a new baby and you love it. You love the new sunroof right above you. You are so sweet and loving. You love to share. I love when you cuddle us and give us hugs and kisses. The most special thing is curling up with you at night watching Mickey Mouse before you fall asleep. You love to sing and can sing with the mickey mouse song, wheels on the bus, and twinkle twinkle star. You are all boy and love to climb. You can climb on the bed now, which is very high. I am just amazed at how much of a little boy you are...no more baby. You are starting to really listen to mama and daddy and understand when we ask you to do something. I love the way you hold my hand now. My heart melts every time. You have made parenting easy. We love you! We praise God for letting us being your parents!
Going to Wades and eating a sucker.
Having fun at church!
Happy 20 Months!!