Saturday, October 31, 2015

Lucas's 2nd birthday Surprise from Sadie!

So...this was not how I was planning on writing your 2 year old post, so I am going to write a 2nd one to just focus on you. I just wanted you to see what all happened on your birthday! To say that we have had A LOT happen these past few weeks would be an understatement. We went to Disney World the week before you turned two and you had an AWESOME time. We all did!! We came back and I was excited about planning for your party the next Saturday and Sadie decided to take over your birthday : ).  Unfortunately, on the morning of your birthday, I was at work and had a really weird sensation like my water broke. However, it was blood! I had a placenta abruption and had to be rushed to the hospital. Thankfully, I did not have to deliver Sadie and we had to spend 11 days in the hospital. Of course, that meant that mama and daddy was in the hospital on your birthday. Thankfully, we have awesome family that brought you cupcakes and presents to the hospital, but it was still scary for you. I am writing this post a little late because even though I have been on bedrest, it has still been busy with doctor appointments and has been an adjustment to being on bedrest for me. However, you literally grew up before our eyes during that week and a half. You went through spending the night with different people (Grandma/Grandpa, Nana/Papa, and Colby/Ashley) like a champ and they brought you to spend most of the day with daddy and me everyday. It was one of the hardest things that Daddy and I have ever had to do. We have never had to spend the night away from you and it was hard. We missed you so much, but we were thankful for the doctors and nurses and for God allowing Sadie to be okay and staying in me a little longer. During this time, you started going into the 2 year old Sunday school class at church and did great. Also, after we came back home, you started going to sleep at night without any problem (I think we were all so happy just to be back home together). The Lord really taught me a lot as a mama during this time too. I think you and I both learned how to ask for help from other people (you really depended on me for everything, which I loved, but I know you needed to learn to ask for help from others too). I am now on bedrest, I am so thankful that the Lord is allowing me to spend these last precious weeks before Sadie comes with you without having to work. I know you will not remember that I was not able to have you a big birthday party on your 2nd birthday, but I promise I had one planned : ). It was going to be one fun Mickey Mouse birthday party, but the Lord had different plans. We can always remind Sadie of the big present she had for you before she was born on your birthday : ).