I am really starting to get in denial that you are 5 months old. You are so funny and loving. You ADORE your brother and you smile and coo more than any baby I know!
You are growing SO much. You are wearing size 6-9 month clothes now and size 2 diapers. You are still drinking 5 oz at a time with your bottles when I am at work. You eat 6-7 times/day. I started you on brown rice cereal and you LOVED it. You understood how to eat from the beginning. No spitting it out or tongue thrusting. I am going to wait closer to six months before we really start real baby food with you I think. You roll all over the place now from front to back and back to front. You also scoot/wiggle to get what toys you want. Of course, you love to try to get in to what Lucas is doing! You can sit up if you are supported with a boppy or something around you. Still no tooth yet, but everything goes in your mouth!
We put together your exerciser for you this month.
We got to meet Parker for the first time this month! Sweet cousin loving!
Trying on mama's old clothes from where I was a baby.
We went to Gaffney outlets to find you some crib sheets and had to stop and buy some apple butter. You had fun watching Lucas play.
Sadie in her new crib! You did pretty well sleeping in it. We took off the bumpers because of all of the precautions with SIDS, but you roll everywhere and was getting your arm in the rails. I bought some breathable, mesh bumper to put around it and you do great with it. You sleep in your crib some nights, but most nights you spend with mama on the couch. I really don't mind though because I know how fast you are growing and I love all of the moments of cuddling.
I really do mean it when I say you two love each other. Melts my heart!
5 months old!!!
You are soo beautiful! I love you so much!