These past few months have been really, really busy, so I am going to combine 14 and 15 months! Your vocabulary has exploded and I LOVE to see your little personality come out! You can say bubble, pop, bye bye, amen, dada, apple, baba (banana), up, love you, Adeline, mama (when you are mad), all done, Clemson (of course daddy taught you that) and probably a few more I cannot think of right now. You do a great job imitating whatever we tell you to say. You are walking/running EVERYWHERE now! You still LOVE to wear things around your head. You prefer a onesie and wear it like a scarf. You have your own style. You will put on any headband nearby and only like to wear one sock in the house. Your favorite book is "The peas say please" and love to dance. I just got through pumping and nursing your this week and your transitioned was me that had trouble lol. I just will miss holding you so close to me and nursing, but you are ready and I got you through flu season. We still have lots of bags in the freezer that will last probably until March/April. You still like your milk warm or room temperature though. You are an amazing eater. You eat yogurt for breakfast most of the time, turkey/veggie for lunch and whatever we have for supper. You love avocados! You tried peanut butter for the first time and did well with it! You love to play with makeup and pretend to put it on like mama. We love you so much and you are definitely still a mama's girl and want to be wherever I am (which I totally love : ) ). You are so smart like your brother and follow lots of 1 step directions. You are wearing size 18 months and size 4 diapers still with shoe size of 4. You still just have your paci at night and during naps..we may start weaning that soon though.
Just watching tv in your new chair.
You are definitely a little sunshine in our lives : ).
Being silly with your favorite person. You are both lost without each other. It will be sad when Lucas starts school this year and you are apart.
Looking cute : )
Matching with Adeline.
You finally got enough hair for a little ponytail, so of course I took advantage of it!
You with your own little style! A necklace for a headband
Playing with the dollhouse at the library
Sadie, you are soo loved! Happy 15 months baby girl!