We went on our first family vacation. We were brave and went to Daytona, Florida. Yes, I know we were crazy for driving over 7 hours with a 5 month old, but you did AMAZING! We had homecoming Sunday morning at church, and then left around 2:15 after fellowship. You cried for the first 20 minutes because you HATE your carseat, but then, you slept about 6 of the 7 hours that we drove! We made one stop at Wendy's to eat.
The next day was beautiful! It was around 45 degrees in Union, but a beautiful 80 degrees in Daytona without a cloud in the sky. We ate breakfast in the hotel room that morning. I started feeding you breakfast and dinner the Saturday before we left. You were really not a fan of the rice cereal, so I just started doing a fruit in the morning and a vegetable at night. I am going to try oatmeal mixed with fruit soon though. I tried bananas, but you broke out with some little bumps after I did it. However, we had also went outside for a while that day, so you may have just sweated. I do just a half a container each time. Sometimes you drink a bottle immediately after you eat, and sometimes you wait a little while.
Mama and Daddy took you out to the beach, but we were a little paranoid about the sun. We pushed you in your stroller, but the wind was blowing pretty bad and we didn't want to get sand in your eyes, so we didn't stay out for long.
That night, we went out to eat at the restaurant in our hotel. It was really nice with a great view of the ocean. You ate sweet potatoes and we ate chicken with shrimp. That night, we took another walk on the beach.
The next day we visited Daytona Speedway to take a your. This is a picture of you just relaxing before heading out.
We took a 90 minute tour of the speedway. Daddy loved it! We put you in the baby bjorn and you basically slept the entire time. Everyone was amazed how well you did.You and I both love the baby bjorn because you are so close to me. I am going to be sad when you out grow it!
You also did great on the way home. We stopped and went to church at Gantt Street that night and went out to eat and Daddy's favorite restaurant, Zesto with Preacher Rowell and his family. We had a great time fellowshipping with them. We got home around midnight and you were asleep of course. I had so much fun spending so much time with you and daddy. I did NOT want to go to work the next day (we came back on wednesday). Daddy and I cannot wait until we can take a 1 week vacation with you! You are a great baby to travel with. We love you!!!!