Saturday, May 31, 2014

Uncle Colby's Graduation and Revival

Uncle Colby Graduated from Pharmacy school and we went down to Columbia to watch him during his hooding ceremony. You did SO good and we were able to watch the entire ceremony. You did say "mama" a few times during the ceremony..but I didn't mind : ). After the ceremony, we went to Outback to eat. We are so excited that Uncle Colby and Aunt Ashley will be getting married soon and moving right up the street from us!

We also had our first Spring Revival at the church since Daddy has been preaching. You were pretty cute in your overalls and hat. Dr. Davis came and we learned a lot about raising you to love the Lord. He also got us to thinking about your name and what it meant. We knew that Samuel had a special meaning (a gift from God) but I had forgotten about Lucas. We had looked it up before you were born, but I was just reminded what it meant after Dr. Davis preached and mentioned how important it is to give your children names with Godly meaning. Lucas means "giver of light" and how true that has been. You have certainly brought light to our lives and have been a gift to us. I also pray that you get saved and shine your light for God where ever He leads you and continue to be a giver of God's light to others. Dr. Davis said a sweet blessing for you when he left. We pray everyday that we are Godly examples for you and will help guide you to do the Lord's will for your life.

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