The blister you had on your foot!
Mama and Daddy before we went out for the first time by ourselves.
What a good looking man you have for a Daddy!
You have really taken off with your walking and walk more than you crawl now. You are soo cute doing it!. You wore your first pair of tennis shoes to cousin Levi's gender reveal party. We are so excited that you are going to have a boy cousin so close in age!
After you started feeling better, you are have been eating really well. You have actually ate meals with no baby food at night. You have made a meal with chicken and dumplings and grilled chicken with broccoli and cheese. We are trying to transition you to only a sippy cup, but you love your milk in your bottle. I am thinking about just doing it cold turkey, but we will see. You still have a few weeks...the goal is to be transitioned at 1 year. Things that melt Daddy and Mama's heart this month are you wonderful kisses. We can say "Give Daddy/Mama a kiss" and you do it so well. You also love to point and will sit in my lap and point while we read a book and talk like you are telling me what it is. You love to clap and make the funniest faces! You also like to throw and roll a ball back and forth. We are teaching you the word "no" and you are doing fairly well with it. You love to go towards the fire place and we tell you "no" and you will usually come back towards us. If we say, "Where's the ball?" you will go find a ball in the room and bring it to us. I think you are going to be like Uncle Colby and love vacuum cleaners.Your face lights up every time I turn it on. You are starting to show "stranger danger" when we are in different places with different people now. You are wearing size 12-18 month clothes, size 4 shoes, size 4 diaper. You are eating yogurt for breakfast, oatmeal/fruit for lunch, and a lot of what mama and Daddy eats for supper. You love cheerios this month and eat those with a snack.
Just being silly. You love to open the Tupperware cabinet and pull out this. It is your favorite.
In the nursery at church
Being silly taking your 11 month pictures.
Posing with Daddy in your Clemson jersey.
I cannot believe I am planning your 1 year birthday next month! Time is going by so fast!You bring so much joy to our lives! Happy 11 months Lucas!