Saturday, October 25, 2014

13 Months!

Lucas, I can no longer say, "He just turned one." I have to say you are 13 months old now! You have done a lot of new and fun things this month. Your vocabulary has exploded! You are now saying "mama, dada, hot, up the stairs, bible, bubbles." You love to hold up your hands when we ask where someone or something else and try to say "I don't know." It is pretty cute. And you use the word hot for both hot and cold temperatures. You are pretty much wearing only size 18 months clothes now. You are eating great!! You have not gagged in a really long time. If you do not like something, you just spit it out. You transitioned to whole milk beautifully and drink 24 oz each day from your sippy cup. 7 oz in the morning, 10 during the day, and 7 oz at night. You drink water with your sippy cup the rest of the day.You are wearing size 4 diapers still. You are walking...running...everywhere now! You can follow lots of different 1 step commands (bring me __, throw this in the trash, hand me your milk). You amaze me at how much you know!

You took you first trip to the zoo with the church kids. It was pretty hot that day and you had a melt down (this is only the 2nd one you have ever had...the other one was at Uncle Colby and Aunt Ashley's Wedding). You looked at the monkeys and some of the snakes, then you cried and went to sleep. We are planning on going back at Christmas time so hopefully you will have a better trip! You got a book from the gift shop and you enjoyed it on the way home.

You had your first fried chicken leg and Daddy was so excited. You LOVED it! You actually ate two that night and cried every time I tried to take it out of your mouth!

You went to the dentist for the first time this month and hated it! lol. Poor just did not like someone trying to get into your mouth. They gave you some stickers and a toothbrush and toothpaste. You have 12 teeth now! 4 of the top front, 4 bottom front, and 2 big molars on both the top and bottom. You have been waking up crying at night because I think they have been hurting you. I try to put orajel in your mouth, but you would just rather drink milk : ). You still LOVE milk, breast or whole!

Getting ready for the Clemson game. You had your game face on! No smiles!

Eating spaghetti for the first time. You loved it! You could not get it in your mouth fast enough!


This was a pic a grabbed before we went into the fair. It was your first trip to the fair and we had such a good time. Mama and Daddy usually get sick trying to ride fair rides, but we wanted to ride the merry go round with you. You really liked it and we did not get sick, so it was a winner! We walked around and went to the petting zoo exhibit, and watched the tigers. We also walked around at the exhibit area. We met some friends and you ate your 2nd sucker from Mr. Tommy. We ended the night by visiting the Davis' candy apple stand. You got a candy apple and daddy got his favorite boiled peanuts. It was a fun night!

 We have some fun trips planned next month and mama and daddy cannot wait to take you on them!

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