Thursday, December 31, 2015

One Month Old

Your first month of life was definitely a blur. It went by so fast! It has also been the most amazing month because I have been at home with the 2 sweetest children a mama could be blessed with. You are very laid back until you get hungry, and then you are feisty! You eat more than your brother did at this age eating 3-4 oz at a time every three hours. You are not sleeping through the night yet, but the doctors said that we should expect that for longer than Lucas since you were a premie and need to "catch up." You rolled over once because you do not enjoy tummy time. Daddy went back to work a week after you were born and we missed him very much, but he was able to be off while you were in the NICU. I ended up getting mastitis not longer after you came home because I was only sleeping an hour or two because I was up pumping and calling to check on you in the NICU prior to you coming home. You actually latched on really well so I have been breastfeeding at night and feeding a bottle during the day. You came home in premie clothes and quickly grew to newborn. Your brother adores you and tries his best to play with you, help you when you are crying, and just look at you and tell you that you are pretty. You really perk up when he talks to you! You love to snuggle and are really alert. We are working on you being alert during the day instead of at night : ). But, I know this phase of life goes by so quickly, so I am enjoying those nightly snuggles with you. Mama, Daddy and Lucas love you so much! You are truly the perfect addition to our family.

Didn't I tell you that he adores you : ).

Going for your one month visit. So Sweet!

Your first trip to church. We went on a Wednesday night after your month check up. The doctor said that you were doing great and were a healthy baby! We are so thankful for 2 healthy children. I did not know what to expect at 28 weeks when all of that happened with the abruption, but the Lord kept you safe until you were ready to come.
We love you! Happy one month!

Christmas 2015

Although you were at home for Thanksgiving, we did not go out because you were SO little, so Christmas was Sadie's first big holiday that we got to celebrate. We were so happy to have 2 little ones to celebrate Christmas with this year! We did our annual tree decorating and baking cookies. Lucas was a very good helper with the cookies this year and enjoyed eating them too : ). Sadie just looked around at the lights. We got some iTwinkle lights this year which were really neat and Lucas and Sadie really liked them. You each got a new ornament. Lucas' ornament was of 2 snowmen of a Big brother and a baby sister and Sadie's ornament was a precious moment angel that had her birthday on it.

Enjoying your cookies!

Sadie looking at the lights : ).

Our first Sunday at church together as a family!

Christmas morning!!

You loved all of your presents!

Our annual new family Christmas pajamas! Christmas moose this year!

Uncle Colby and Aunt Ashley gave you a bicycle!! You loved it!

Aunt Kacie, Uncle Lee, and Levi gave Sadie this cute outfit!

First Bath and First Doctor's Visit

You were not a big fan of your first bath. We turned on the logs and got the house really warm, but you still did not like it :). Lucas had to help give you your bath too!

Going to the doctor for the first time. This is a premie outfit and it still was a little big. You still looked beautiful though! During your doctor visit, you had lost down to 4 lbs 11 oz, but we went back on Monday and you went back up to 4 lbs 14 oz. You were not even on the percentages for the growth chart yet : ).

Lucas and Sadie falling asleep on me at the same time...can it get any better! I LOVE being a mama! 

Looking around!

Your Birth Day!

Your birth day came on a beautiful Friday the 13th in the afternoon. Your daddy was at work and I was at home with Grandpa and your brother Lucas. We spent the morning watching Lucas play outside. Then, I came in to watch tv while Grandpa and Lucas were fixing the bathroom sink. When I sat down on the couch, I felt a gush. I had felt that same "gush" when my water broke with Lucas so I knew what it was. However, it was not a lot, so I did have my doubts. When I got up to take a shower, a lot more water came out so I had a pretty good idea that it was my water then. I called your Daddy first and he asked if he had time to get a hair cut and of course I said no : ). Then, I told Grandpa and he panicked : ). I called the doctor and I thought they were going to tell me to come to the office and they would check, but they sent me to the hospital. On the way up to the hospital, it still did not hit me that you were coming soon! I took bag, no coming home outfit...I knew that you would probably come fast like your brother, so I just took a shower and left quickly. Lucas stayed with Grandma and Grandpa. Nona and Papa were in Florida when we called them. When I got to the hospital, they confirmed that it was my water and said I was 3 centimeters dilated. I had just went to the doctor the day before and I was 0 cm dilated and scheduled my induction for December 8th. Then, they put me in a room and tried to quickly get me an epidural since I had a history of a quick labor. The anesthesiologist came in and gave me my epidural. However, labor had progressed quickly and you were already ready to come so the epidural did not have time to kick in. I kept telling the nurse that I felt like your head was really low, but she did not take me serious until I said, "I think I need to push." Dr. Benson then came in and said that I was 9 cm and that she could see your head! Grandma and Daddy told me that you had really dark hair and lots of it! I was in pain because the epidural did not have time to work, but it only took a few pushes and you were out! The most beautiful 4 lb 4 oz girl came at 7:30 that night. The NICU team came in since you were under 5 lbs. At first they said that you were doing fine, but they needed to take you back since with you under 5 lbs. Then, they came back and said you were breathing a little fast and were going to watch you for a little while. My heart sank because I did not want to be separated from you. Your Daddy and I were so excited to meet you and did not want you to be taken away. We were thankful that you were able to stay back with us a little while and do skin to skin with me and meet your brother. He was not to sure what to think about you at first, but he really enjoyed pushing the "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" button to announce to everyone that you were here! They put me in a wheel chair to go see you and I got a little overwhelmed seeing you with a feeding tube and a nasal cannula and almost passed out, so they had to wheel me back out which devastated me. I ate a little something, and then went back immediately to see you and only slept for probably an hour because I did not want to leave your side! We were really blessed that you did so well and only had to stay 6 days in the NICU. It would not have even been that long, but the last 2 days you had jaundice so they wanted to get rid of that first. However, it was the most exhausting 6 days that I had ever experienced. I had to go home and leave you in the hospital, which was extremely hard. It was hard being there for you, and leaving your brother at home. I wanted to be at as many feedings as possible and I wanted to bond and hold you as much as possible. God really taught me a lot during those first few days and I am so thankful that you are a healthy, beautiful little girl. There were so many babies around us that were very sick.
When you came home, we gave your brother a gift from you and he was so happy! Your Daddy and I were very thankful to be at home as a family of 4! We are so blessed and you are such a beautiful, sweet baby. My heart expanded to love 2 wonderful children and my cup really overflows from the blessings of God!

Right after you were born! I was amazed how much you looked like Lucas!

 When they took you to the NICU. Although I knew what all of the wire/tubes meant, it is so much harder seeing them on your child.

Uncle Colby and Aunt Ashley were supposed to go on a trip to Charleston, but they stayed at home to be with you. They were so excited to meet you.

Lucas was not able to go back in the NICU to see you,  but he came to the waiting room. He loves to drink anything that mama has!

After you got both the feeding tube and nasal cannula out! I was one happy mama!

After everything came off, you were able to have your first bath! You were not a big fan : )

Look at that beautiful dark hair!

Your brother had to spend a lot of time with Grandpa and Grandma. I think he had fun though : ) and didn't mind too much. lol

Grandma getting some loving in the NICU.

I was so excited to start using bows and all things pink!

You had to pass a car seat test before we left the NICU. You did great, but then the next day we found out that you had jaundice. Your skin looks a little yellow in this picture.

Getting to come home. Although your coming home outfit that I ordered did not come in yet, I was really glad because Grandma had a better idea. You wore my coming home outfit from ~29 years ago because I was a premie too!

Meeting your brother for the first time. He was excited about his gifts!

He loved you from day 1 and has not stopped!

Of course Ma and Pa and Grandpa came to see you that day too!

Sweet brother/sister loving.

Looking cute in your clothes.

Your first real bow that you could wear!

It was crazy that you came when Aunt Courtney, Aunt Kacie, Uncle Lee, Levi, Nona, and Papa were about to leave for Disney World. They came to see you the day they got back to get some loving!

Sadie, you are the perfect addition to our family. We love you so much and I cannot wait to see what plans God has for you! You are one miracle baby and I am thankful God gave you to us!