Your first month of life was definitely a blur. It went by so fast! It has also been the most amazing month because I have been at home with the 2 sweetest children a mama could be blessed with. You are very laid back until you get hungry, and then you are feisty! You eat more than your brother did at this age eating 3-4 oz at a time every three hours. You are not sleeping through the night yet, but the doctors said that we should expect that for longer than Lucas since you were a premie and need to "catch up." You rolled over once because you do not enjoy tummy time. Daddy went
back to work a week after you were born and we missed him very much, but he was able to be off while you were in the NICU. I ended up getting mastitis not longer after you came home because I was only sleeping an hour or two because I was up pumping and calling to check on you in the NICU prior to you coming home. You actually latched on really well so I have been breastfeeding at night and feeding a bottle during the day. You came home in premie clothes and quickly grew to newborn. Your brother adores you and tries his best to play with you, help you when you are crying, and just look at you and tell you that you are pretty. You really perk up when he talks to you! You love to snuggle and are really alert. We are working on you being alert during the day instead of at night : ). But, I know this phase of life goes by so quickly, so I am enjoying those nightly snuggles with you. Mama, Daddy and Lucas love you so much! You are truly the perfect addition to our family.
Didn't I tell you that he adores you : ).
Going for your one month visit. So Sweet!
Your first trip to church. We went on a Wednesday night after your month check up. The doctor said that you were doing great and were a healthy baby! We are so thankful for 2 healthy children. I did not know what to expect at 28 weeks when all of that happened with the abruption, but the Lord kept you safe until you were ready to come.
We love you! Happy one month!
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