Sunday, November 1, 2015

1st Trip to Disney World!!

For your birthday, your Daddy and I wanted to take you to Disney World! We only went for a couple of days and we were so excited that Uncle Colby and Aunt Ashley could go with us too!! We all stayed in the same hotel room and had a slumber party every night. We were all actually so tired, that we all fell asleep immediately : ). You loved all of Disney World and really had a good time. Two years old was a great age to take you and we all loved seeing your face light up at the rides, fireworks, and parades! Here are a few pictures from the trip!

Grandma bought you a Mickey Mouse sticker book to play with on the way to Disney World and you loved it!

The first day at Disney World. We went to Animal Kingdom.

You face walking into Disney World for the first time. Priceless!!

Standing in line to ride your first ride, the safari.

Your first picture with a Disney character. You warmed up to all of the characters by the next day and was able to take pictures by yourself.

Your favorite ride. We had to ride it twice!

Waiting in line for It's A Bug's Life.

Before we left Animal Kingdom that day!

Since Animal Kingdom closes early, we went to Downtown Disney that night. You loved all of the characters in the stores.

You had to give Daisy and Minnie a hug : ). 

The next day we went to Magic Kingdom..our favorite! The first thing we did was meet Mickey Mouse!!

 You gave him a hug! So sweet.

Taking a picture in front of the castle with mama and daddy!

Hanging out with Goofy and Donald

Eating a yummy mickey mouse cookie!

It was Uncle Colby's first trip to Disney World too! We were so happy that Colby and Ashley were able to go with us!

Giving Minnie a good hug.

Playing at Tom Sawyer Island

It was the best trip that we have been on so far as a family and we cannot wait to go back with Sadie!

2 Year Old Fun Facts

  Here are a few fun facts about you now that you are two!
What is your favorite color? Blue and Yellow
what is your favorite song? I couldn't just pick one of this one because you have so many, but here are a few of your favorite: Jesus Loves Me, Let it Go, London Bridges Falling Down, and There is Power in the Blood
What is your favorite book? Counting One to Ten
what is your favorite toy?  Light Up Sword from Disney World
what is your favorite movie? Frozen, Aladdin
what is your favorite TV show?  Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (Kansas City Mickey is your favorite episode)
what is your favorite animal?   Dogs and your "spotted monkey"
what is your favorite fruit? Apples
what is your favorite drink? Milk and Water. Mama's lemonade from Chick Fil A
what is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?  Cereal with mama and grits with daddy
what is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Pizza or chicken nuggets
what is your favorite thing to eat for supper?  Green Beans, spaghetti, mama's salad, toast
what is your favorite outfit? Your Big Brother shirts and Clemson Jersey
what is your favorite thing to do outside? Find rocks and acorns. Throw sticks in the woods. Walk to Colby and Ashley's house and knock on their door.
what is your favorite thing to play inside?  "Sticky hands", balls, puzzles
what's your favorite store?  Any grocery store
what do you like to sleep with at night?  spotted monkey and a blanket beside you. You do not like the blanket actually on you.
what is your favorite game? Hide and Seek
What is your favorite snack? Gold Fish
what do you like to do with daddy?  Play outside, play "cat me" something that we still are not sure exactly what that is : )
what do you like to do with momma?  Read books, sing, puzzles

2 Years Old!

You are now 2 years old and you are truly a little boy and no longer a baby. You can express your emotions and tell us when you are "mad" or "sad." You are beginning to understand discipline and really are starting to do a great job of obeying mama and daddy. Lucas, you are such a blessing to us and we love you so much. You have the best personality and have stolen our hearts from the beginning. As you get older, I am going to miss how you LOVE to cuddle. You will crawl up in my lap and say "cuddle with mama" and you act like you cannot get close enough. We love to hear the little patter of feet following Daddy and me wherever we go. You are so loving. You have started going into class now at church and you LOVE to go to church now. You have also been staying in the service because you want to "hear Daddy preach." I pray that your love for the Lord continues and that we are Godly examples for you. You are also SO funny. You love to imitate and we are amazed and what you pick up. You are always listening, even when we do not think you are. We were riding to get some food the other night and you grabbed your play phone and begin to call in a "to go" order. You even added that you wanted just ketchup and mustard (like your Daddy). Speaking of your Daddy, you love to go to sleep on top of him and to rub his head. You put your head on his chest and just look like you are in complete peace. Your appetite has certainly grown over the past 2 weeks so you must be hitting another growth spurt. We used to have a hard time sometimes getting you in your high chair and eating. Now, when I say that the food is ready, you run to your high chair and cannot wait to get in. Thankfully, you are getting back to eating more vegetables and fruits like you used to eat. You are wearing 3T/4T clothes and size 8 shoes. We are still in the process of potty training, but I definitely think you would be potty trained if I was not on bedrest right now. You are definitely showing signs of being ready to be trained, but I just cannot lift you on and off the toilet and cannot be consistent. Whenever Sadie is born, we are going to start trying again. Speaking of bedrest, I have gotten to spend everyday with you since I came home from the hospital which has been an amazing blessing to spend this time with you the last few weeks before you become a big brother. You are a great helper and follow directions easily now. You LOVE LOVE LOVE to sing. Anything. We have to have music in the car and your favorite shows/movies have lots of songs in them. You were hooked on Frozen for a while, but now have found a favorite Mickey Mouse "Kansas City Mickey" and want to watch it (when you are still enough to watch tv). You also love to go outside and find rocks and acorns. You know (and have known for a while now) all shapes, colors, ABCs, and can count to 20. The day I came home from the hospital, we got you a toddler bed and you were soo excited about it. It was a car bed from the movie "Cars." You fell asleep in it the first night all by yourself. However, Daddy and I really, really missed you while we were at the hospital and put you in the bed with us the next night. : ). You fall asleep at night so easily now most of the time and I love it. When it is time to go to bed, you curl up in the bed with us and go to sleep. I think you would sleep fine in your toddler bed, but mama and daddy love you in the bed with us right now. We know that this time is precious and that you will not want to sleep with us soon, so we are just soaking it up. I have lots of pictures from the past few weeks of you turning 2.

Sleeping in your car bed for the first time.

You love getting your play keys and practice "locking and unlocking" the door.

Eating popcorn for the first time. I was a little nervous about the kernels, but you did great with it and LOVED it. We had to pop another bag because you almost ate the entire bag!

Sitting on the couch, cuddling with mama and holding my hand : ).

Eating your first candy apple. You though it was a big sucker and really liked it. Unfortunately, we didn't get to go to the fair because I had just gotten home from the hospital, but we rode by the fair and you were happy to see the Ferris Wheel and to go by the candy apple stand.

You still love to take a bath and run around naked with your towel on your head like it is a cape : ).

Eating some good chicken stew like a big boy. You basically eat with our utensils now.

Praying in Sunday School. One of my favorite pictures.

Sitting in your chair and coloring.

 Brushing your teeth at Colby and Ashley's house when you spent the night with them.

 Playing at the hospital.

 Showing off your muscles in the hospital.

Sleeping on daddy at the hospital.

We have LOTS of pictures from Disney World, but I just picked a couple.

Playing catch. You used to not let us put the glove on your hand, but now you like to play catch with it.

 Getting your first hair cut. As you can see, you cried a little while you were getting it cut. Danielle is so sweet though and did an amazing job. She saved all of your hair for us to keep and gave you a "first hair cut" certificate and sucker.Thankfully, she left mama some of your curls on top.

Your super cute Mickey Mouse invitations and notes that were going to go on the Thank You bags. I hate that we were not able to give you a 2nd birthday party because I was in the hospital. I had everything planned out, but the Lord had different plans. We will give you a great 3rd birthday party instead : ). You looked super cute on your invitations though : ).

I will have to add your 2 year statistics later. Your 2 year old well visit was scheduled for Sept 25th, however, since I was in the hospital, you were not able to go so it is going to be in the next month or two. Then, I will add your height, weight, and all of that good stuff.
Mama and Daddy just want you to know that you are the greatest blessing and loving little boy. We are so proud of you and love you SOO much. We are in constant prayer for you and we are so thankful that God allowed us to be your parents. I know I say that a lot, but I cannot say it enough. These past 2 years have been the best of our lives. To become a parent is one of the greatest blessings that the Lord gives us and we do not take that for granted. We know that you are going to be the best big brother and Sadie is so blessed to have you. Your name truly sums up everything about you and I am so thankful that we are able to tell you what it means. You ARE a GIFT from the Lord (Samuel) and you are truly a light (Lucas). We pray that you continue to let the light of Jesus shine through you and you accept Him at an early age.

Mama and Daddy