Sunday, November 1, 2015

2 Year Old Fun Facts

  Here are a few fun facts about you now that you are two!
What is your favorite color? Blue and Yellow
what is your favorite song? I couldn't just pick one of this one because you have so many, but here are a few of your favorite: Jesus Loves Me, Let it Go, London Bridges Falling Down, and There is Power in the Blood
What is your favorite book? Counting One to Ten
what is your favorite toy?  Light Up Sword from Disney World
what is your favorite movie? Frozen, Aladdin
what is your favorite TV show?  Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (Kansas City Mickey is your favorite episode)
what is your favorite animal?   Dogs and your "spotted monkey"
what is your favorite fruit? Apples
what is your favorite drink? Milk and Water. Mama's lemonade from Chick Fil A
what is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?  Cereal with mama and grits with daddy
what is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Pizza or chicken nuggets
what is your favorite thing to eat for supper?  Green Beans, spaghetti, mama's salad, toast
what is your favorite outfit? Your Big Brother shirts and Clemson Jersey
what is your favorite thing to do outside? Find rocks and acorns. Throw sticks in the woods. Walk to Colby and Ashley's house and knock on their door.
what is your favorite thing to play inside?  "Sticky hands", balls, puzzles
what's your favorite store?  Any grocery store
what do you like to sleep with at night?  spotted monkey and a blanket beside you. You do not like the blanket actually on you.
what is your favorite game? Hide and Seek
What is your favorite snack? Gold Fish
what do you like to do with daddy?  Play outside, play "cat me" something that we still are not sure exactly what that is : )
what do you like to do with momma?  Read books, sing, puzzles

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