You are half way to being 1 year old!! Wow. You would never be able to tell that you were born a few weeks early. You are still wearing 6-9 month clothes now. I moved you up to size 3 diapers. You still drink 5 oz at a time with you bottles when I am at work and eat 6-7 times/day. We started baby food this month too! Your first foods were green beans and avocados. Were started with stage one, but quickly moved to stage 2 because you were ready. You eat really well!! You also got to start drinking water this month. I saved some of Lucas's sippy cups and you took to the first one we tried!! You are starting to do baby "push ups" and I think crawling is in the near future. You sit up really well now too, which makes playing with your toys so much easier!!! You love to "sing" with your brother in the car. You already have an amazing bond that we pray continues. I love it!! Here are a few pics from this month!
Weight: 15 lbs 2 oz (29th percentile)
Length: 26.25 in (64th percentile)
Head Circumference: 16.3 in (25th percentile)
The doctor was so surprised by your height growth, that he checked it again himself and it was right! You grew A LOT over the past 2 months! Soo thankful for a healthy, baby girl and I cannot thank God enough for it!
You love sweet potatoes! One of your favorites!!
Swinging with your brother. Do you see how you are watching him? You love to always see what he is doing!
Daddy had to take the youth somewhere on a Friday (our usual family night), so Grandma and I took you and Lucas to the park. This is the first time you were in a "big swing."
Taking your beautiful 6 month pictures. You are gorgeous!
Drinking water from your sippy cup!
Just playing around at home a little.
The first time I painted your nails. I bought some baby safe polish and it is soo cute!
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